The logo for the metropolitan baptist church is purple and yellow.


Impact your community, win souls, empower people, pursue wisdom.

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  • Combined Ushers Ministry

    Andre Hawkes – Head Usher    804-712-0165

    The Combined Ushers Ministry Unites the Ladies, Male and Youth Ushers of Metropolitan Baptist Church for complete obedience and service to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, in an effort to minister to His people, in our church and community. 

    Our mission is to also follow the wishes of our Pastor and governing body in providing adequate seating and any necessary literature for all worshippers during all services.

    2017-2018 Ushers Officers:

    Head Usher: Andre’ Hawkes


                         Men:                                                                Women:

    President:           Reuben Howard                                          Cynthia Hawkes

    V. President:      Alphonso Burrow                                        Sharon Gilchrist

    Secretary:           Reginald Glover                                           Wanda Jones

    Treasurer:          Kevin Hill                                                     Roberta Morgan

    Chaplain:            William Steele                                              Wanda Knight

    Asst. Chaplain: Ernest Harrison

  • Hospitality Ministry

    President: Ruth Jones

    Our mission is to oversee the Hospitality Tables for all regular and special church services. This includes preparing the tables and making sure the areas around the tables are clean and inviting as well as decorating the tables. We also plan, supervise, and implement small, medium and large group gatherings for all occasions for church functions and church member functions such as Anniversaries and Season of Life events when tasked to serve.

    Our ability to communicate warmth using hospitality-related language-body language as well as welcoming words and a smile-may help the other person, and make their day!

    1 Corinthians 12:25-27

  • Iron Men of Metropolitan


    Deacon Eddie Rose

    Ironmen is a progressive, Spirit lead ministry dedicated to creating disciples for Jesus through witnessing. We stand unified on the promises of God. We are spiritually motivated with direction and purpose-seeking opportunities for spiritual growth and renewal.

  • Boys to Men

    Developing our boys to be men of God.

  • Marriage Ministry

    President Mary Burrow



    The vision of the Marriage Ministry is to build strong Christian families that contribute towards building a strong church and community, to promote Christian values, and the need for a Godly family through the word of Jesus the Christ.


    The mission of the Marriage Ministry is to study the word of God and to use the word of God to strengthen a Marriage between a man and a woman by concentrating on Faith, Family, Finance, and Intimacy.

  • Missionary Ministry

    Spreading the gospel and the love of God.

  • Health & Wellness Ministry

    President: Rosa Epps


    The Mission of Nurse’s Ministry is to strengthen the relationship between the nurses and the congregation by providing supports that will assist in promoting better mental and physical health and emotional well-being.


    The Vision of Nurse’s Ministry is to aid our members with compassionate care in their time of illness by providing professional excellence in first aid services until medical staff arrives.

  • Pastor's Aide Ministry


    The Pastor’s Aide Ministry assists the Pastor with ministry, serving as caretakers of the Pastor and his family. The purpose of the Pastor’s Aid Ministry is to provide service to the Pastor, ensuring that he or she is fully equipped, prepared, and able to fulfill his responsibilities in leading the congregation. The ministry provides the support needed to the Pastor and his family, whether it be in the form of prayer, encouragement through words, or other actions that show their love and gratitude to the pastoral family. Members must be prepared to assist by caring for pastor’s belongings, anticipating the pastor’s needs and demands so as to properly furnish and supply what is needed.


    CARE AND SUPPORT –The most basic responsibilities of a Pastor’s Aide ministry is to provide care and support for the pastor and his family. This includes, but not limited to, praying for the pastor, offering verbal encouragement and voicing gratitude for the Pastor’s work. Members are charged with caring for Pastor’s spiritual health. If the pastor has a crisis of faith, for example, the Pastor’s aide ministry will help him work through it and find divine guidance.

    SPECIAL EVENTS – Pastor’s Aide Ministry are usually in charge of celebrations and special events that honor the Pastor, the Pastor’s wife’s birthday, their wedding anniversary, Father’s Day and even the full month of the Pastor’s church anniversary. Pastor’s Aide plans the celebrations, coordinates with other church ministries, solicits donations from the congregation, gives and receives gifts of appreciation on behalf of the Pastor.

    MISSION – To serve and be of support to pastor and his family in all areas of their lives with the love of God, ensuring their needs are met at all times.

    To keep track of pastor’s birthday and other special anniversaries or occasions, and plan activities, in collaboration with other ministries, for these events.

    To assist the pastor in whatever he may need to best meet his goals for serving the congregation.

  • Seasoned Citizens Ministry

    President: Mazie Blount

    Secretary: Josephine Jenkins

    The Seasoned Citizen’s Ministry meets the first Tuesday of each month at 11am. In addition, we host two activities each month.

  • Women to Women (W2W)


    Women Unified in Christ


    Our mission is to pray, support, encourage and empower one another by coming together through the Grace of God, and by sharing life experiences.


    Fellowship, Unity and Salvation!!!!! To become the Women that God has called us to be.

    Who Are We?

    • We are Women of GOD, We serve Jesus Christ the Living Son of GOD.
    • We are his Daughters, He is our Father
    • We are Seasoned Women, we bring wisdom and knowledge
    • We are Youthful Women, we bring new insight and refresh the Seasoned Women
    • We are genuine women with a love for God and our Sisters in Christ!!!!

    Women to Women meet on the 4th Saturday of each month at noon at Metropolitan Baptist Church.

    W2W fellowships each 4th Saturday at Noon

  • William N. Bland Praise Dance Ministry

    The William N. Bland praise dance ministry is designed to express the art of dance through praise and worship of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Praise the LORD! For it is good to sing praises to our God; for it is pleasant, and praise is beautiful. 

    Psalm 147:1

  • Community Engagement

The Transformation Ministry - Young Adults

Hold the vision, trust the process!

Our Vision

The Transformation Ministry aspires to reach and empower young adults by affirming their unique gifts and talents while fostering spiritual, financial, psychological and interpersonal growth.

Our Mission

We are the Ministry of the future, striving to motivate, empower and forever change the world. We will create Christ-centered opportunities for spiritual growth through outreach and ministry. We will use our gifts from God to be THE generation that makes a difference.

Transformation Choir

Sings every third Sunday of the month and leads Praise & Worship each Sunday morning beginning at 10:40am.

Choir Rehearsal

Monday (6:30 pm) & Thursday (7:00 pm) prior to 3rd Sunday


  • President: Rev. Emily Branch
  • Vice President: 
  • Secretary: 

The Metro Youth Experience

Our Vision

oung people
n the Move to
nderstanding God’s Word,
rusting the Guidance of the Holy Spirit and
onoring God’s Power in Our Lives

Our Mission

Growing in God’s Word

  • Knowing the Power of God
  • Understanding God’s Gifts
  • Experiencing Spiritual Empowerment

Order & Excellence in Giving to God

  • Praising and Worshipping
  • Developing Gifts
  • Exercising Faith


  • Embracing transformation
  • Leading by Example
  • Sharing the Word of God with Confidence


Youth Director: Ms. Shelia Mosby

  • Transformational Teaching

    Through Faith Formation the Youth are growing in God’s Word. Youth Bible Study is held each Wednesday evening from 6:30pm – 8:00pm. There are age appropriate, interesting and engaging weekly lessons. The youth are learning about the power of God, and understanding his gifts. All youth are welcome. Come out and be empowered through teaching.

  • MYE Performing Arts

    • Dance Ministry
    • Praise Dancers
    • Mime Ministry
    • MYE Take Action (Drama Team)
    • MYE and TyG (Rappers)
    • MYE Steppers
  • MYE Girls Scouts

    MYE Girl Scouts Troop #203 meets every 3rd Saturday of the month from 10:30 am – 2:00 pm.  

    We have the following Grade Levels: Daisies, Brownies, Juniors, Cadette and Seniors.

  • Hype for God Mentoring

    • B2M
    • W2W
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